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KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus: Latest KVS JSA Syllabus 2024

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is a renowned educational institution under the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.

It organizes various recruitment exams to recruit suitable candidates for various administrative and teaching positions. A popular recruiting exam conducted by the KVS is the Junior Secretariat Assistant exam.

In this this blog post we will try understand the KVS junior secretariat assistant syllabus thoroughly.

A Complete Guide to Latest KVS JSA Syllabus 2024

If you are planning to take the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant exam, you should be familiar with the exam pattern and syllabus.

KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Pattern:

The KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Exam consists of three phases: an online computer-based test (CBT), skill test (typing test) and computer proficiency test. Details of the exam pattern are as follows:

Online Computer Based Test (CBT):

  • The CBT consists of two parts: Part I- 40 marks and Part II- 80 marks.
  • Part I includes 20- General Hindi and 20- General English questions. The total marks for this part is 40 marks.
  • The Part II includes 80 questions about General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability, Computer Literacy and Quantitative Aptitude. The total score of this part is 80 marks.
  • Duration for online CBT is 2 hrs.
  • CBT is conducted in both Hindi and English.
  • The questions will be multiple choice type.

KVS JSA Skill Test Syllabus:

– KVS JSA Skill Test consists of typing (data entry) test and Computer Proficiency Test.

KVS JSA Typing Test Pattern:

KVS JSA Typing Test test ( 50 marks ) is qualifying in nature. The candidates are usually required to type a given text or passage within a specified time limit using a computer keyboard. The typing speed is usually measured in words per minute (WPM).

KVS JSA Typing Speed:
  • Typing speed for Hindi should be 30 words/min and for English it’s 35words/min.
  • The typing test will be just qualifying in nature.
  • The required data entry rate is 8000 keystrokes per hour on the computer.
KVS JSA Typing Test Accuracy:

KVS JSA Typing Test Accuracy is assessed based on the number of errors made while typing the passage. The exact details of the typing test, including the minimum required speed and accuracy, may vary depending on the rules and regulations set by the KVS.

It’s important for the candidates to prepare well for the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus for Typing Test by practicing regularly and increasing their typing speed and accuracy. This can be done by using typing software, taking online typing tests, and working on typing exercises.

KVS JSA Computer Proficiency Test:

In Computer Proficiency Test ( 100 marks) is also qualifying in nature with 40% minimum marks. The candidates are asked some basic questions about popular computer applications :-

  • MS Word,
  • MS Excel,
  • MS Access,
  • MS Power Point and
  • Internet.

KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus for CBT:

KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus for CBT is divided into the following two parts:-

Part I: 40 marks
General English(20 marks)-
  • Comprehensive Passages.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Grammar.
  • Sentence Structure.
  • Synonyms and Antonyms.
  • Usage of Words.
  • Idioms and Phrases.
General Hindi (20 marks)-
  • संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा के भेद
  • सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम के भेद
  • भाषा
  • लंकार
  • सन्धि
  • तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द,
  • विशेषण एवं विशेषण के भेद
  • क्रिया एवं क्रिया के भेद,
  • वचन,
  • लिंग,
  • उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय,
  • समानार्थी शब्द,
  • मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
Part II: 80 marks
A. General Knowledge and Current Affairs: (20 marks)

– Indian Economy.

– Geography: India and the World.

– Indian Polity.

– Constitution of India.

– Indian Culture and Heritage.

– General Science.

– History – India and the World.

-Environmental Studies.

– Current Affairs – National and International

B. Reasoning Ability: (20 marks)

– Analogies.

– Similarities.- Similarities and differences.

– Spatial Visualisation.

– Spatial Orientation

.- Problem Solving.

– Analysis.

– Judgement.

– Decision Making.

– Visual Memory.

– Discrimination.


– Relationship Concepts.

– Arithmetic Reasoning.

– Verbal and Figure Classification.

– Arithmetical Number Series.

– Non-Verbal Series.

C. Computer Literacy: (20 marks)
  • Characteristics of Computers,
  • Computer Organization including RAM, ROM,
  • File System,
  • Input Devices,
  • Computer Software-Relationship between Hardware and Software,
  • Operating System,
  • MS-Office (exposure of Word, Excel/spread sheet, Power point),
  • Information Technology and Society-Indian IT Act,
  • Digital Signatures,
  • Application of information technology in Government for E-Governance, mobile/Smartphone’s, information Kiosks
D. Quantitative Skills: (20 marks)

Number System.

-Time and Distance.



Simple and Compound Interest.

– Profit and Loss.

– Time and Work.

– Ratios and Proportion.

Data Interpretation.

– Tables and Graphs.

Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus: Some Tips For Preparation-

-Fully understand the exam pattern and syllabus.

– Develop a study plan and execute it regularly.

– Focus on your weakest areas and practice more.

– Practice from previous years questions.

-Read regular newspapers and magazines for current events

– Take the online mock tests to assess your readiness.

-Improve your writing and data entry skills..

Here are some additional tips that may be helpful for candidates preparing for the KVS Junior Assistant Secretary Exam:

  • Recommended Books: To prepare for the KVS Junior Assistant Secretary Exam, candidates should refer books that cover the syllabus comprehensively.
  • Popular books for this exam include the RPH Editorial Guide for the KVS Junior Secretary Recruitment Test, Arihant Publications’ Guide to the KVS Junior Secretary Recruitment Test, and the RPH Editorial Assistant Recruitment Test. Junior KVS Secretariat of the V.V.K. Subburai.
  • Time Management: Time management is a crucial aspect of exam preparation. Applicants should allocate their time wisely across all sections of the program.
  • You should spend more time on the weaker areas and practice them regularly. Candidates can also be supported with study material, videos and online tutorials to save time.
  • Computer Skills: Since the KVS junior secretary exam includes a section on computer skills, candidates should ensure that they are comfortable with basic computer skills. They need to practice basic typing, data entry and computer operations to improve their speed and accuracy.
  • Mock Tests: Mock tests are a good way to gauge your level of readiness and identify areas that need improvement.
  • Candidates should regularly take online tests and analyze their performance to understand their strengths and weaknesses. They can also get a feel for the actual exam process and improve their time management.
  • Stay informed: Current Affairs play an important role in the KVS junior secretary exam. Applicants should read newspapers, magazines and online news portals to stay updated with current affairs. You should also make notes of important events and review them regularly.

In summary, the KVS Junior Secretary Assistant Exam is a highly competitive exam and candidates must prepare thoroughly to crack it. By following the exam pattern and syllabus, practicing mock tests and improving their computer skills, candidates can increase their chances of success.

Candidates must also remain focused and motivated during their preparation to achieve their goal of becoming a Junior Secretary Assistant at KVS.

The KVS Junior Secretary Assistant exam is a highly competitive exam and candidates must be well prepared to pass it.

The pattern and syllabus mentioned in this post will surely help you prepare for the exam systematically. Follow the preparation tips listed above to increase your chances of success. Remember to stay focused. For more info, visit the official website of KVS

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KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus: FAQs

What is the syllabus for KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant examination?

KVS JSA examination consists of three phases i.e. 1. Online Computer Test Exam, 2. Skill Test and 3. Computer Proficiency Test
The syllabus for the online CBT comprises two parts: Part I – General English and Hindi, Part II – A. General Knowledge and Current Affairs, B. Reasoning Ability, C. Computer Literacy and D. Quantitative Skills.

What is typing speed for JSA? | What is the typing speed limit for KVS JSA exam ?

The required typing speed for Hindi is 30 words/min while for English its 35 words/min.

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